Gravity & Magnetics List-server
If you are interested in joining internet discussions with practicing gravity & magnetics specialists from all over the world, including professionals from universities, research institutions and natural resource exploration companies, you can join the Gravity & Magnetics User Group. The group is supported by Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University.
- To join the group:
send an email to
and type “Join” in the email subject. - To unsubscribe from the group:
Send an email to and type “Unsubscribe” in the email subject. - To send a message to the group:
Email to
You will receive email messages from other subscribers in the group from this same address. Of course, there is no requirement to participate in discussions, but the group is a valuable forum for passing information and finding out the latest news with gravity & magnetics. As a past Chair of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Gravity and Magnetics Committee, I found it useful for communication with other committee members.